• Résultat de recherche d'images pour "death note matt gif tumblr"

    Voilà, je m'emmerde et j'arrive pas à me sortir Death Note de la tête alors voilà.

    1. Who is your favorite Death Note character(s)?
    Mello, sans hésiter une seule seconde. Après j'adore aussi Matt, Near, L, Misa et Ryûk, mais Mello, putain. (Ah puis pour les connaisseurs... Beyond Birthday est cool.)

    2. What is your favorite pairing(s)?
    Mello/Near, Matt/Mello, Moi/Mello (/pan/) L/Misa.

    3. Are you a Death Note yaoi or hentai fan?
    Yaoi, ouais, à cause du Mello x Near et du Matt x Mello, certains de mes couples préférés de l'histoire. Hentai, par contre, non. Je fais beaucoup de blagues salaces, OK, mais en réalité, je déteste les hentai, ça me dégoûte un peu.

    4. Ever cosplayed Death Note characters? If so, who, where and how many times?
    Je me suis déjà cosplayée en Misa une fois (et je le referai à Halloween), et j'envisage de me cosplayer en Mello un jour.

    5. List your collection of Death Note junk and merchandise, if any:
    Les 13 mangas, le Death Note de Light, le roman Death Note: Another Note (QUI EST PUTAIN DE BIEN, J'AIMERAIS BIEN QU'ILS L'ADAPTENT EN ANIME MAIS D'UN AUTRE CÔTÉ JE CRAINS LES FANGIRLS DE BEYOND BIRTHDAY QUI VONT SE MULTIPLIER), le premier CD de l'OST et un poster. ...Et je veux aussi m'acheter les Funko de Light, Ryûk et L. (Et je prie pour qu'ils sortent un jour Mello, Misa, Near et Matt.)

    6. Have you ever felt that you were destined to be with a Death Note character?

    7. Near/Matt or Mello/Near?
    MELLO/NEAR. Le Near/Matt, je vois tout simplement pas de logique à ce ship. On ne sait pas grand-chose de Matt, du coup j'ai un milliard de headcanons pour lui, et entre autre le fait qu'il est 100% dévoué à Mello, et à personne d'autre. Donc bon.

    8. Light/Misa or L/Misa?
    L/Misa. Certes, il la maltraite pendant des mois, mais je peux pas m'empêcher de me dire qu'au final, elle serait mille fois mieux qu'avec Light.

    9. Did you think Matt's death was fair?
    Alors ça parlons-en, parce que mes parents ne me comprenaient pas lorsque je gueulais devant sa mort lorsqu'on regardait l'épisode 35 (épisode qu'au passage, je maudis de tout mon cul) y'a un mois. ON PARLE D'UN GARS QUI SE REND. QUI A LA TRONCHE DE L'INNOCENCE ET DE LA MIGNONNERIE QUAND ON LUI ENLÈVE SES LUNETTES, ET DONT LE """"CRIME"""" EST D'AVOIR """OSÉ""" PARTICIPER À L'ENLÈVEMENT D'UNE PUTE. ET JE LE RÉPÈTE, IL SE REND. EST-CE QU'ON PEUT PARLER DE JUSTICE LORSQU'ON TIRE SUR UN MEC QUI SE REND ? SI C'EST ÇA LE MONDE PARFAIT ET JUSTE DE KIRA, IL PEUT ALLER SE FAIRE ENCULER !

    10. Why did you think Mello helped Near in the end?
    Parce qu'il l'aime. //PAN//

    11. Do you support Kira's theory in making the world better by using the Death Note and killing off the bad people?
    Absolument pas. Au début, je me disais que tuer des criminels, c'est pas une mauvaise chose, mais il pète tellement un câble après que je peux pas être pour cette idée. ET J'AI CLAIREMENT EXPLIQUÉ PLUS HAUT MON AMOUR POUR LA JUSTICE SELON KIRA.

    12. Your favorite Wammy kid?
    Mello. Puis Matt en deuxième et Near en troisième. Mais bon, sans surprise, Mello.

    13. Are you Pro-Kira or Anti-Kira?
    Je serai contre Kira jusqu'à la fin de ma vie.

    14. Have you seen all Death Note episodes so far?

    15. Have you read all the chapters so far?
    Non, et j'en ai pas l'intention parce que j'ai pas envie de me rendre malade avec la mort de Mello.

    16. Do you believe Misa has ADD?
    C'eeeeest possible.

    17. Sub or dub?
    Alors. Le doublage français de Death Note est EXCELLENT. Les voix collent parfaitement aux personnages, et dans le cas de L, sa voix française est même mieux que sa voix originale. Pareil pour celle de Ryuk, d'ailleurs. Light, ça va, mais je préfère aussi sa VF. Les autres, je sais pas, j'ai juste regardé les cinq premiers épisodes en VOSTFR. Et j'aime vraiment pas la VOSTFR, par rapport à la VF qui est vraiment parfaite, je le répète. ALORS DOUBLAGE SANS HÉSITER. EN PLUS LES VOIX DE L ET DE MELLO EN VF C'EST DE L'ASMR PUR ET SIMPLE--//PAN//

    18. Pro-Misa or Anti-Misa?
    Pro. Misa est un petit ange tombé du ciel, et elle est trop pure pour ce monde de merde.

    19. Lidner = Near's side or Mello's?
    Aucune idée. Et je suis désolée, mais depuis que j'ai découvert que des gens la shippent avec Mello, je déteste cette fille sans raisons. CHOISIS UN CAMP, PÉTASSE, ET SOIS EXCITÉE LORSQUE MELLO TE MATE SOUS LA DOUCHE, MOI JE TUERAIS POUR ÇA--//PAN//

    20. Do you even know who BB is?
    Beyond Birthday, meurtier en série à Los Angeles, se présentant à Naomi Misora sous le nom de R--LISEZ ANOTHER NOTE SINON JE VAIS VOUS SPOILER PUTAIN.

    21. L = Sexy beast or Ugly nerd?
    Sexy. Évidemment.

    22. Which character would be the best cross dresser?
    Allez savoir pourquoi, mais moi, je voudrais voir Ryûk se travestir. //PAN//

    23. Mikami = Weird or Awesome?
    Psychopathe complètement fou et insupportable. (Même s'il me fait bien rire, j'avoue.)

    24. Which character would be the best OOC?
    Je sais pas. Les persos sont bien tels qu'ils sont donc ce serait con d'en faire des OOC. (MÊME SI JE TUERAIS POUR QUE MELLO SOIT PREMIER JUSTE UNE FOIS, QU'IL AIT CONFIANCE EN LUI FACE À NEAR ET QUE CE SOIT LUI QUI GAGNE CONTRE KIRA PUTAIIIIIIN T^^^^^^^T)

    25. Do you like Death Note fanfics?
    Bah j'en ai pas lu beaucoup de bonnes mais en soit oui.

    26. Do you write Death Note fanfics?
    Un OS de merde où Matt drogue et baise Mello, et un Mello x Moi bien à chier en cours. (ET ME DEMANDEZ PAS, JE LE POSTERAI JAMAIS.)

    27. Do you like lemons?
    Ouais. Enfin, j'adore en écrire, en tous cas.

    28. Do your parents know about the Death Note characters?
    Oh que oui. Ma mère connaît très bien l'anime et le manga et est devenue fan, et ma grand-mère aussi. *fière*

    29. Have you watched the Death Note Abridged Series?
    Nan, mais j'ai regardé Death Note en 13 minutes. C'est cool, regardez-le si vous vous emmerdez. Ne serais-ce que pour les scènes avec Mello et celles avec L. Et les délires de Light avec les personnages secondaires.

    30. Have you seen The Death Note fanflashes?

    31. Have you ever gotten someone else hooked on Death Note?
    Ui. Deux. *fière*

    32. Have you ever been drawing Death Note in school and has someone recognized it?
    Nan, d'un autre côté, je vais pas à l'école donc bon.

    33. Have you ever been in class drawing Death Note and the teacher came up to you and said 'WTF is this?'
    Alors pour le coup, j'ai fait récemment un devoir en Art Plastique où je savais pas quoi faire, et au final j'ai dessiné L dans le QG, en train de bouffer des bonbons. ...J'ai pas osé regarder la critique de mon prof. //PAN//

    34. Has Death Note affected your school life and grades?
    Grâce à mon amour pour Death Note, je me suis remise à vouloir faire du japonais, et j'ai pris ça en troisième langue. Eeeeeet j'ai eu 18 à mon premier devoir, donc indirectement par Death Note, je fais du japonais et ma moyenne est sauvée du désastre. TwT

    35. Are you broke thanks to Death Note?
    J'étais déjà détruite psychologiquement avant, mais ouais, ça a aidé, j'imagine.

    36. Do you want to own a Death Note?
    Vous imaginez pas.

    37. Do you wish the series had ended differently?
    Alors. Avec tout l'amour que je voue à Near... J'ai lu quelque part dans le tome 13 que Mello aurait pu être le vainqueur de cette histoire. Et pour être franche, j'aurais TELLEMENT préféré que ce soit lui qui gagne et qui arrête Kira. Je veux dire, j'adore Near, mais j'aurais vraiment voulu que Mello vive et qu'il arrête Kira avec ses méthodes, et que Matt ait droit à plus de développement... Ç'aurait été génial.

    38. Do you draw Death Note fanart? If so, count how many there are in your gallery?
    Ouais. J'ai du faire une dizaine de dessins de Mello, deux de L, un de Light et un de Near.

    39. Is Mello still sexy even though half of his face is scarred by burns?
    Si on admet que c'est possible, IL EST ENCORE PLUS SEXY AVEC PUTAIIIIIIIIN ! *meurt*

    40. Do you have a Death Note OC?
    En plus de mes OCs généraux (donc Eden, Chris et tout le petit monde), j'ai une OC hautaine qui idolâtrait L, qui bosse au SPK et qui a un Death Note, et une autre qui ~pas de chance pour Light~ est la cousine de Naomi Misora, et travaille pour L. #lighttusouffresavectousmesocs

    41. Looking back at some of your answers, do you think Death Note has taken over your life?
    Je crois que oui. Mais c'est pas nouveau, ça, Jean-Mi.

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    Désolée, j'avais envie de faire un titre putaclic depuis trop longtemps.

    Bon voilà, j'ai enfin trouvé un espèce de tag Deviantart sur Death Note, du coup je le fais et on verra bien qui je suis. /pan/


    [] You have a big aim in life
    [x] You hate to lose
    [ ] You feel that your eyes change colors with your behaviour
    [x] You are obsessed.
    [] Your intelligence is superior in comparison with another people's one.
    [x] You don't mind hurting others as long it helps you to get to your aims
    [ ] You have talent to seduce the opposite gender
    Total: 3


    [x] You love candy
    [] You don't care about how you look
    [x] You walk/ sit curvate
    [] You are a genius 
    [x] You have dark circles around your eyes
    [x] You are very thin don't matter what you eat
    [x] You don't have many friends and you are a total failure at love
    Total: 5


    [x] You would love someone blindly
    [x] You would do everything for that 'someone'
    [x] You dress in a very peculiar way
    [ ] You can't tell when people are joking around with you.
    [ ] You can't afford alcohol very well
    [ ] You are very jealous
    [x] You can make people do what they don't want to
    Total: 4


    [x] You love chocolate
    [ ] You were confused at least once with the opposite gender
    [x] You always dress dark and tight clothes
    [ ] You are always the second
    [x] You have a burn/ scar on your face (ça remonte à il y a très longtemps, mais j'ai eu pendant des années une cicatrice sur le menton. accident de trottinette. #cestpasclasse)
    [x] You are very intelligent, but sometimes you make mistakes
    [x] Near creeps you out a little bit (je vais pas me remettre de son sourire de psychopathe)
    Total: 5


    [x] You are always playing videogames
    [ ] You smoke 
    [ ] You wear streaky shirts
    [x] You would do anything for your friends
    [x] You use glasses that looks like goggles. (j'ai une collection de lunettes un peu bizarres)
    [ ] You are always relaxed
    [x] You are very affected to your best friend
    Total: 4


    [x] You are patient to the limit.
    [ ] You always win
    [ ] You have the Peter Pan syndrome
    [x] You love to wear pajamas
    [ ] You are very intelligent
    [ ] You have a lot of ability using your hands
    [x] Your hair is of a weird colour
    Total: 3


    [ ] You believe in a god
    [ ] You search for justice in everywhere
    [x] You use glasses
    [ ] You are/want to be a lawyer
    [ ] You don't care about following orders as long as it' s for justice' s sake
    [ ] You support Kira unconditionally
    [ ] All your life is perfectly planned
    Total: 1


    [ ] You love apples
    [x] You are bored
    [x] You think that humans are… INTERESTING! )
    [x] You laugh in a weird way… Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk…
    [ ] You don't let your feelings lead you
    [ ] When there' s an argument, you never take one of the sides
    [x] You are a little bit crazy and weird
    Total: 4




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  • Résultat de recherche d'images pour "death note mello gif"






    Bon, on commence.

    [x] You don't have very many friends. (et ça tombe bien parce que j'aime pas 99% des gens sur cette planète ^^)
    [ ] Often times, teachers forget your name. 
    [x] You were always picked last for kickball.  (mais c'est plutôt parce que je suis nulle en sport)
    [ ] You don't like to talk a lot.
    [x] You tend to avoid mass social activities. (en général, je préfère être en très petit groupe)
    [ ] You don't participate in any extracurricular activities. 
    [ ] All you wish for is to move away or get a fresh start.
    [ ] Your friends have blown you off before. 
    [ ] You sit alone in most of your classes.
    [x] You have a feeling that once you leave high school or college, nobody is going to remember you. (j'ai eu ce sentiment en quittant le collège. J'avais tort. Je suis si fabuleuse. Nul ne m'oubliera jamais.)
    [x] You hold interest in activities that other people find strange.
    [] People don't find you friendly. (moi je me trouve distante, mais apparemment, les gens me trouvent sympa. Logique.)
    [x] You hold extreme hate towards another high school stereotype.
    [x] You eat alone at lunch.
    Total = 8

    Party Girl/Boy
    [ ] Lets face it: you like to party. 
    [ ] You party every other weekend.
    [ ] ...Or every weekend?
    [ ] You've been going to frat house parties since early high school.
    [ ] You're the defending beer bong champion.
    [ ] You know the best hook-ups in the state... world.
    [ ] Everybody who's anybody goes to the same parties you go to.
    [ ] You've hooked up at parties.
    [ ] You spend time getting ready for parties.
    [ ] You've passed out from being too drunk.
    [ ] You've partied all night.
    [ ] You've snuck out of the house to party.
    [ ] Actually, your parents really don't care if you party or not.
    [x] You're pretty much nocturnal. (Même si mes nuits, c'est sur l'ordi.)
    [ ] You like to go clubbing.
    [ ] You and your friends always party hop.
    [ ] You've crashed a party before.
    [ ] One way or another, you've wound up naked in front of everybody at a party.
    [ ] You've thrown up from drinking too much.
    [ ] You've done something that you regret at a party.
    [x] You can dance. (...non je me vante pas.)
    [x] You're friends with a lot of people older than you. (mais genre BEAUCOUP plus vieux, hein. Des adultes.)

    Total = 3

    Scene Kid
    [ ] You know what sXe and hXc actually mean.
    [ ] You have a obsession with dinosaurs, robots, and Pokemon.
    [ ] You idolize Jeffree Starr
    [ ] People have called you scene before.
    [ ] You spend at least an hour getting ready to take pictures of yourself for your myspace.
    [ ] You have a mirror pic.
    [x] You listen to bands that most people have never heard of. (en tous cas, des groupes dont personne n'a entendu parler dans mon village de merde. Voire dans ma région de merde. (CORRÉZIENS FANS DES FALL OUT BOY, MANIFESTEZ-VOUS.))
    [ ] You enjoy going to shows.
    [ ] You only go to shows for the sake of going to shows, not the music.
    [ ] Your hair is multicolored. 
    [x] You accessorize your hair with kiddie barrettes and bows. (surtout des noeuds.)
    [ ] Fashion is one of the most important things that define you.
    [ ] You mosh.
    [ ] You often mix vintage with modern.
    [ ] Your myspace picture captions are sad lyrics to sad songs.
    [ ] All of your friends are scene.
    [ ] You don't know many of the people on your friends list in person.
    [ ] You take angled pictures of yourself.
    [x] You enjoy photography. (Pour mes Pullips. lol.)
    Total = 3

    [ ] You pop the collar. 
    [ ] You won't go near the "goths". 
    [ ] You own at least one thing from a designer store. 
    [ ] You are very clean cut. 
    [ ] You are squeamish. 
    [ ] People have called you preppy before. 
    [ ] You never leave the house without putting on cologne/perfume.
    [ ] You have a lot of money.
    [ ] You know who LC is.
    [ ] You watch shows like The OC, The Real World, The Hills, and Laguna Beach.
    [ ] One favorite stores are Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle Outfitters.
    [ ] You're afraid to set foot into Hot Topic. 
    [ ] (Girls) You carry a purse wherever you go.
    [ ] You need to wake up at least an hour before school so you can get ready.
    [ ] (Girls) You do not leave the house without make up.
    [ ] You are content overall with how your life is going.

    Band Geek 
    [x] You have played an instrument before. 
    [ ] You still play an instrument.
    [ ] You are/were in regular Band.
    [ ] You are/were in Jazz Band. 
    [ ] You are/were in Marching Band.
    [ ] You've never dated anybody outside of Band.
    [ ] Most of your friends are in band.
    [ ] The band room/band hall is your second home.
    [x] You enjoy listening to Classical music on occasion.
    [ ] You aspire to be a Drum Major.
    [ ] You've made out with somebody on a Band bus or at a Band competition.
    [ ] You have trouble getting your non-band friends to go near the band room.
    [ ] Band is your favorite class. 
    [ ] You have been to band camp.
    [ ] You walk in step with all your friends.
    [ ] You talk about band constantly.
    [ ] You know that American Pie has got it all wrong.
    [x] You hate rap music. (sauf Eminem. J'aime bien Eminem.)
    [ ] Marching Season is your favorite time of year.
    [x] When you go to football games, you don't really pay attention to the game itself. 
    [ ] Your favorite jokes are band jokes. 
    [ ] You know it's not about the bloods and the crips: it's the brass and the woodwinds.
    Total = 3

    [] You have seen in a school play.
    [ ] You have seen a Broadway musical
    [ ] You like to act. 
    [ ] You have participated in a school play.
    [ ] You have participated in a play outside of school.
    [ ] You have gone to the Thespian Conference.
    [ ] You get ticked off when people make that thespian, "Did you say lesbian?" joke.
    [ ] You have done tech.
    [ ] You know that you cannot touch anybody else's props. 
    [ ] You have played in the pit orchestra for a musical.
    [ ] You have been to a cast party. 
    [ ] You are in a thespian troupe.
    [ ] You often sing show tunes at the top of your lungs.
    [x] You know who Idina Menzel and Johnathan Larson are.
    [ ] At one point in your life, you were obsessed with RENT.
    [ ] You do not have a personal bubble.
    [ ] You actually understand Shakespeare. 
    [ ] You know how to put on stage make up.
    [ ] You have been a lead.
    [ ] You met a lot of your better friends through theatre.
    Total = 1

    Overachiever (aka Light--Oui, je la ferme avec DN)
    [ ] You participate in a lot of extracurricular activities.
    [ ] You have a part-time job.
    [ ] You have straight As.
    [ ] You are in mostly honors/IB/AP classes.
    [ ] You do not procrastinate.
    [ ] You have scored a 5 on an AP test.
    [ ] You do not have very much down time.
    [ ] You are very organized. 
    [ ] You always have a thousand things going on at once.
    [ ] You are in a relationship. 
    [ ] You aspire to get into an Ivy League School.
    [ ] In your extracurriculars, you hold leadership positions.
    [ ] You are/were on Student Council.
    [ ] You are/were the class president.
    [ ] You are/were a class officer.
    [ ] You are/were the Salutatorian for your class.
    [ ] You are/were the Valedictorian for your class.
    [x] People have told you that you didn't have a life. 
    [ ] You are getting/have already received the IB Diploma.
    [x] You cry hysterically when you get anything lower than an A on anything. (Je pleure souvent.)
    Total = 2

    [x] Your grades are slipping. (Avant, j'avais tout le temps des A+. Maintenant... Bah j'ai encore des bonnes notes, mais ma moyenne de français est en chute libre.)
    [x] You always wait until the last minute to do big projects. 
    [x] You are an overall procrastinator.
    [x] You tend to do your homework when you're watching TV. (Un jour, j'ai fait un devoir de maths devant Harry Potter 4. C'était à la fois la pire et la meilleure idée de ma vie)
    [x] It takes you ages to turn your job applications in.
    [x] You are often late to school/work.
    [ ] You don't turn in a lot of your work.
    [x] You spend the majority of your time watching TV, the computer or going on Myspace when you could be doing something more productive. 
    [] You sleep in past noon on the weekends and during the summer.
    [x] You do not get out of your pajamas unless you have to leave the house.
    [ ] You could walk, but you'll just drive.
    [ ] You have fallen asleep during class before. 
    [x] Friends have called you lazy.
    [ ] Life is hard when you lose the remote & you have to walk a million miles over to the TV and change the channel.
    [x] When you hang out with your friends, the majority of your time is spent playing video games or doing something where neither of you have to stand up.
    [x] You have eaten an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting. 
    [x] You have sat through an entire running marathon of a show before. (Regarder tous les Star Wars d'un coup, ça compte.)
    Total = 12

    [x] Your wardrobe consists of mostly black things.
    [ ] When you have the money, you shop at Hot Topic. (mais je veux vraiment acheter des trucs là-bas un jour.)
    [x] You think tattoos are hot. 
    [x] You think odd piercings are hot. 
    [ ] You don't get along with your parents. 
    [x] You have/want to dyed/dye your hair an exotic color. 
    [ ] You've styled your hair in liberty spikes.
    [ ] Sometimes you ponder the meaning of life and death.
    [ ] You like to write dark poetry.
    [ ] You are into S&M.
    [ ] You have a pair of over sized black pants. 
    [ ] At one point in your life, you liked Foamy, Happy Bunny, Emily the Strange, and the Happy Tree Friends. 
    [ ] You have a messenger bag with buttons up and down the straps.
    [ ] You smoke cigarettes. 
    [ ] You will only date other Goths.
    [ ] You don't really care what people think about you.
    [ ] Overly happy people scare you.
    [x] You like black makeup & nail polish best.
    Total = 6

    [ ] You actually study for tests and quizzes.
    [ ] You have straight As.
    [ ] You haven't had any luck with the opposite sex.
    [ ] You are into WoW, Magic Cards, and Halo.
    [ ] You over analyze jokes to the point where they aren't funny anymore. 
    [ ] Your mom buys your clothes for you. 
    [x] You actually answer the questions in class. (Enfin, c'est quand j'étais petite.)
    [ ] You sit front row center in all of your classes to get the best learning experience.
    [ ] You miss school during the summer. 
    [ ] You wear your pants at your waist.
    [ ] You prefer sweatpants to jeans.
    [ ] You have a pocket protector in your shirt with pens and a calculator in it.
    [ ] You let cute boys/girls take advantage of you & copy your homework in hopes of getting noticed.
    [ ] You've noticed some of the spelling and grammar mistakes in this survey. 
    [ ] People always cheat off you during tests.
    [x] Your parents pack your lunch for you every day.
    [x] You wear/should be wearing glasses.
    Total = 3

    Garage Band Junkie (On est les Mystic Spiral, on va peut-être changer d'nom. Trent, l'homme de ma vie.)
    [x] You play the guitar 
    [ ] You have been in a garage band before.
    [ ] You're still in a garage band.
    [ ] You think your band is going to make it big someday.
    [ ] You play shows almost weekly.
    [ ] You play the drum set.
    [ ] You sing vocals for a band.
    [x] You write your own lyrics.
    [ ] You spend hundreds on amps and microphones.
    [ ] Your band has a myspace page.
    [ ] You have been in multiple garage bands.
    [ ] You have changed the name of your band at least twice.
    [ ] You have participated in a battle of the bands.
    [ ] Your band has been signed.
    [ ] You have taken guitar classes at school.
    [ ] You have played at the same venue multiple times.
    [ ] You would rather make it big than have to go to college.
    [ ] You have musical talent. 
    [ ] You have groupies.
    [ ] You've made t-shirts and other apparel for your band.
    Total = 2

    [ ] You actually are black.
    [ ] You know who the bloods and the crips are.
    [ ] You wear doo-rags. 
    [ ] You actually grew up in the ghetto.
    [ ] You can freestyle.
    [ ] You drive down the street blaring your music. 
    [ ] Your ride is pimped out with stereo boosts.
    [ ] You can break dance.
    [ ] You say "nigga" a lot.
    [x] You talk too fast for people to understand you. 
    [ ] You are pretty chill with life.
    [ ] You wear your jeans oversized and below your butt. 
    [ ] Old school rap is the best.
    [ ] You know that Tupac will never die.
    [ ] You wear bling.
    [ ] You have/want a custom grill.
    [ ] You have custom rims on your tires.
    [ ] You are actually in a gang.
    [ ] You are always big pimpin'.
    Total = 1

    [x] You often have trouble convincing people that you aren't emo. 
    [x] You comb your hair over one of your eyes. (C'est... c'est emo de faire ça ?)
    [x] You flip your hair often. (et ça aussi ? ; - ;)
    [x] You have dark-rimmed glasses.
    [ ] You have hurt your self on purpose.
    [ ] If you're a boy, people often complain about your pants being too tight.
    [x] You don't really smile too often. 
    [x] You blog often.
    [x] You never smile in pictures. 
    [ ] You listen to Thursday and/or Sunny Day Real Estate.
    [x] You're too much of a pussy to be a goth.
    [x] You own a lot of band t-shirts.
    [ ] You go to a lot of shows.
    [ ] You only go for emo/scene boys and girls.
    [x] It doesn't take very much to make you cry.
    [x] You have played all the Emo Games. (j'étais emo quand j'étais gosse, bordel de merde ; - ;)
    [x] You have worn black eyeliner before. (for last years halloween costume.)
    [x] You own a bandana which you wear in your hair.
    [ ] You have dark hair. (dark brown)
    [x] You love the emo song. (WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY MY FATHER TOOK ME INTO THE CITY--je pourrais faire toute la chanson, ui)
    [x] You say stuff like "I feel like my heart's being ripped out" and all.
    Total = 15

    [x] You own/ed a skateboard.
    [ ] You have been skateboarding since you were in grade school.
    [ ] You have gotten many injuries from skateboarding.
    [ ] You know that World Industries and Element aren't just clothing lines.
    [ ] You have vandalized public property.
    [ ] You have TPed/egged somebody's house before.
    [ ] You have been yelled at for loitering.
    [ ] You have gotten in trouble with the cops.
    [x] You listen to punk rock. (Green Day c'est mieux que tout.)
    [x] Chicks on skateboards are hot.
    [ ] You stick it to the man.
    [x] You own skater shoes.
    [ ] You watch MTV2, not MTV.
    [ ] You enjoy crude humor.
    [x] Screw school, lets do crazy stuff.
    [ ] You know that there are other pro skaters out there besides Tony Hawk.
    [ ] You pretty much live at the skate park.
    [x] Hygiene does not concern you.
    [x] Skater boys are attractive.
    Total = 7

    [ ] Most people are scared of your music.
    [ ] A lot of the bands you like have violent names/titles/lyrics.
    [ ] You hate emo kids.
    [ ] You have gotten kicked out of a public place multiple times before.
    [ ] Slipknot isn't really metal.
    [ ] You appreciate really good guitarists of any genre, particularly flamenco. 
    [x] You hate pop and rap.
    [ ] You spend all your money on music-related stuff.
    [ ] Scene kids are fun to laugh at.
    [ ] You will become friends with anyone if they like the same bands.
    [x] You curse a lot.
    [ ] You can name at least five sub genres of metal.
    [ ] You wore black converses before they became emo.
    [ ] At least one of your favorite bands thinks they're Vikings.
    [ ] You also like classic rock, such as Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. 
    [x] You have yelled at someone for their taste in music.
    Total = 3

    Outcast- 8
    Party Girl/Boy- 3
    Scene Kid- 3
    Prep- 0
    Band Geek- 3
    Thespian- 1
    Overachiever- 2
    Slacker- 12
    Goth- 6
    Nerd- 3
    Garage Band Junkie- 2
    Gangsta- 1
    Emo- 15
    Skatepunk- 7
    Metalhead- 3


    Je suis une Emo

    Doublée d'une branleuse.

    Et un peu outcast sur les bords.




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    [x] Gotten detention. (c'était collectif mais j'avais participé à la cohue :D)
    [] Gotten your phone taken away
    [x] Gotten in school suspension (idem)
    [x] Got sent to the principal's office. (bon alors c'était pas pour une punition, c'est ma mère qui avait gueulé contre ma principal parce que j'étais maltraitée au collège... j'y suis plus jamais allée après ça.)
    [ ] Chewed gum during class.
    TOTAL : 3

    [x] Gotten more than 8 tardys (quand j'étais enfant, j'étais souvent en retard parce que je me réveillais très tard... Et j'étais pas motivée pour aller dans un endroit où 80% des gens me haïssaient. ...Vous croyez que je hais les gens pour rien ?)
    [x] Didn't do homework over 3 times. (En CE2, ma mère a fait mes devoirs pendant trois mois. J'suis vraiment passée par une phase de dépression, à l'école.)
    [] Turned at least 3 projects in late.
    [x] Missed school cause you felt like it. (J'AI FAIT ÇA PLUS DE MILLE FOIS.)
    [] talked too much and got kicked out of class
    total : 3

    [x] Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school. (Ça a marché.)
    [x] Text people during class. (Mais c'était pour répondre à une amie.)
    [x] Passed notes. (pareil)
    [x] Threw stuff across the room. (pour ma défense, je visais la poubelle et j'avais la flemme de me lever.)
    [x] Laughed at the teacher (qui ne l'a jamais fait ?)
    total : 5

    [] Pulled down the fire alarm.
    [] myspace, friendster, xanga, etc. on the computer at school. 
    [ ] Took pictures during school hours. 
    [] Called someone during school hours. 
    [x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3 during class. (il me semble que je l'ai fait une fois)
    total : 1

    [] Threw something at the teacher.
    [] Went outside the classroom without permission.
    [x] Broke the dress code. (Y'avait pas vraimetn de dress code mais... Apparemment c'était mal vu de porter des robes ou de se cosplayer en Draculaura pour Halloween)
    [ ] Failed a class
    [x] Ate food during class. (Mais c'était un gâteau que la maîtresse nous avait donné à tous, et on avait le droit de manger~)
    total : 2

    [ ] Gotten a call home
    [] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved badly (au contraire, tout le monde voulait que je vienne mais j'avais pas envie. J'ai toujours préféré être chez moi.)
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school (J'ÉTAIS EN CP ET J'AVAIS LA MÉMOIRE DE NEVILLE LONDUBAT, ME CRITIQUEZ PAS ! ; _ ;)
    [] Gotten a detention and didnt go
    [x] Stuck your middle finger at a teacher. (mais c'était discret.)
    [x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear. (j'avais 7 ans, je savais pas que "bordel" était un gros mot.)
    total : 3

    [] Slept in class. 
    [] Cursed at a teacher
    [x] Copied hw (ma mère, ça compte ?)
    [] Felt hungry during class and left to eat
    [] Got into so many fights.
    Total= 18

    Times your total by 3
    repost as ."I screwed up __% of my __years."



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